Bloody Residence IISnow had started falling past the train window, as we rushed at good speed across the countryside. Here, the fields were already white. The…Mar 5, 2022Mar 5, 2022
Bloody ResidenceThe Star Cellar, also known as Kenya, is a long and aging greenhouse erected on the roof of my apartment block by former residents. It once…Feb 12, 2022Feb 12, 2022
After Wholeness IIIAt ten minutes to seven I was staring at my log-in. My first evening facing live crisis clients. I decided to turn off my desk lamp and sit…Jan 18, 2022Jan 18, 2022
After Wholeness IIOn the morning tram with a bag of monkey nuts for the birds. I was peckish and it felt good to run my fingers inside the pack, revolving a…Dec 30, 2021Dec 30, 2021
After WholenessI received a signal from Spirit telling me that signals, by their nature, serve the material. After a period of silence over my day-to-day…Nov 23, 2021Nov 23, 2021
Travels With My TriumphIn 1992 I telephoned Channel 4 to offer them my proposal.Aug 16, 2021Aug 16, 2021
The Babendreier Papers“Albert Eugene Babendreier. Maryland. Can’t be many of those.”Dec 3, 2020Dec 3, 2020
Haptic ForcesGod in the bin, of broken things. Leftover clay. Fossil paper towels crushed into grey flowers. God of failures, cuts and remnants. For…Aug 4, 2019Aug 4, 2019
British Workers IMy father once met a man whom he used to help with homework, who inherited a paper mill, and he asked him, in the course of their…Aug 4, 2019Aug 4, 2019
The Oxygen Boy“The boy brings me oxygen. He’s the Oxygen Boy. Unskilled, not caring. Not a medical professional, so he needn’t even pretend that he…Mar 27, 2016Mar 27, 2016